Health, well-being and immunity
Evolve Resources Ltd have partnered with Lamyra LLP and produced a wide range of premium vitamins and supplements for international distribution. Please use the quick referral links below to jump to the relevant sections.

Your personal sun! Effective treatment of Vitamin D deficiency. Prevention of the deficiency of Vitamin D in high-risk patients. Vitamin D is necessary to prevent various pathologies. Available for distribution internationally.
D-vit 500 IU/MCT oil 10 ml drops
Best composition for children: Vitamin D + MCT* - more than just Vitamin D
One drop 500 IU per day is the optimal regimen to rapidly achieve 30 ng/ml 25 (OH)D
D-vit 500 IU/MCT oil 10 ml drops
Best composition for children: Vitamin D + MCT* - more than just Vitamin D
One drop 500 IU per day is the optimal regimen to rapidly achieve 30 ng/ml 25 (OH)D
D-vit 500 IU/MCT oil 10 ml drops
Best composition for children: Vitamin D + MCT* - more than just Vitamin D
One drop 500 IU per day is the optimal regimen to rapidly achieve 30 ng/ml 25 (OH)D
D-vit 500 IU/MCT oil 10 ml drops
Best composition for children: Vitamin D + MCT* - more than just Vitamin D
One drop 500 IU per day is the optimal regimen to rapidly achieve 30 ng/ml 25 (OH)D
* MCT products (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Purified coconut oil extracts provide a higher concentration of diverse MCTs (C8 and C10) as compared to the coconut oil. This concentrated form of fats is a highly effective source of energy, improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals, increases the endurance.

Every child needs its own combination of Omega-3. It is important not only the presence of Omega-3, but DHA/EPA ratio! DHA is required for brain and eye membrane constructions and also for mood control. EPA is important for muscles and joints. Omega-3 of headed fish of 5 species of wild fish of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Available for distribution internationally.
Active balance DHA+EPA 30 ml drops taste: orange/lemon/tasteless
High physical activity. -for children during high physical activity periods (exercising, dancing);
-for children during rapid growth periods for keeping fit.
DHA/EPA ratio = 1:5 1 ml of the emulsion contains
Omega-3 300 mg, incl. DHA 42 mg, EPA 230 mg, MCT oil 530 mg
Baby balance DHA+EPA 30 ml drops taste: orange/lemon/tasteless
Intelligence and general development. - for pregnant women;
-brain and eye development of a future baby;
-for children during high mental activity periods (intensive study);
-for children during adaptative periods (school/kindergarten changes and etc.).
DHA/EPA ratio = 7:1 1 ml of the emulsion contains
Omega-3 260 mg, incl. DHA 200 mg, EPA 28 mg, MCT oil 580 mg
Immuno balance DHA+ EPA+Vitamin D 30 ml drops taste: orange/lemon/tasteless
Immunity and general state of health.
- immune support of sick children;
- immune support of children during the cold season;
- for children in need of special care.
DHA/EPA ratio = 1:1 1 ml of the emulsion contains
Omega-3 300 mg, incl. DHA 75 mg, EPA 110 mg, Vitamin D 400 IU MCT oil 590 mg

Silver nanocolloids: innovation in the therapy of diseases. Triple action: destruction of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi), inflammation removal, symptoms reduction. Impaired bacterial biofilm. Lack of resistance. High safety for the whole family. Long-term use is possible.
Active balance DHA+EPA 30 ml drops taste: orange/lemon/tasteless
High physical activity. -for children during high physical activity periods (exercising, dancing);
-for children during rapid growth periods for keeping fit.
DHA/EPA ratio = 1:5 1 ml of the emulsion contains
Omega-3 300 mg, incl. DHA 42 mg, EPA 230 mg, MCT oil 530 mg
Baby balance DHA+EPA 30 ml drops taste: orange/lemon/tasteless
Intelligence and general development. - for pregnant women;
-brain and eye development of a future baby;
-for children during high mental activity periods (intensive study);
-for children during adaptative periods (school/kindergarten changes and etc.).
DHA/EPA ratio = 7:1 1 ml of the emulsion contains
Omega-3 260 mg, incl. DHA 200 mg, EPA 28 mg, MCT oil 580 mg
Immuno balance DHA+ EPA+Vitamin D 30 ml drops taste: orange/lemon/tasteless
Immunity and general state of health.
- immune support of sick children;
- immune support of children during the cold season;
- for children in need of special care.
DHA/EPA ratio = 1:1 1 ml of the emulsion contains
Omega-3 300 mg, incl. DHA 75 mg, EPA 110 mg, Vitamin D 400 IU MCT oil 590 mg

Probacto is an effective probiotic product line.
PROBACTO LIVER DR- capsules №15, №30
Silymarin regenerate liver cells, stimulates bile flow through the liver and gallbladder, thus reducing stagnation and preventing gallstone formation and bile-induced liver damage, protects against industrial poisons and pharmaceuticals. Choline is a macronutrient that’s important for liver function, normal brain development, nerve function, muscle movement, supporting energy levels and maintaining a healthy metabolism.
Contains a triple combination of sylimarin, choline and Lactobacilli bacteria
PROBACTO PREGNA DR-capsules №15, №30
Friendly bacteria for pregnant women and important Omega 3 are the comprehensive health development of a baby.
3 strains, 2 billion lactobacillus per one DR-capsule: L. Rhamnosus, L.Casei, L.Acidophilus+ DHA 300 mg. Once or twice per day.
PROBACTO IMMUNO DR-capsules №15, №30
А сombination of probiotics and vitamin D, zinc and other ingredients. Increase of the resistance to diseases and improvement of the immune system.
5 types of lactobacillus (L. Rhamnosus, L.Casei, L.Plantarum, L.Paraplantarum, L.Bulgaricum) and ingredients with a proven diverse effect on the immunity: beta 1-3,1-6 glucan, Vitamin D, Selenium, Zinс, Garlic, Copper. Once or twice per day.
PROBACTO CLASSIC DR-capsules №15, №30
Probiotics for gut microflora support. Diarrhea (of any type), antibiotic intake, antibiotic potentiation.
3 strains, 2 billion lactobacillus per one DR-capsule: L. Rhamnosus, L.Casei, L.Acidophilus. Once or twice per day.
PROBACTO MEGA DR-capsules №30
8 strains, 20 billion lactobacillus provide the rapid treatment of diarrhea and gastrointestinal diseases.
20 billion, 8 types of lactobacillus: L. Rhamnosus, L.Casei, L.Plantarum, L.Paralantarum, L.Acidophilus. L.Bulgaricum, L. Gasseri, L.Fermentum. Multi-strain probiotic per one DR-capsule. Once or twice per day.
«2 in 1» is an effective dose of proanthocyanidins and lactobacillus for urogenital system support. Probiotic for women.
3 strains, 2 billion lactobacillus per one DR-capsule: L. Rhamnosus, L.Casei, L.Acidophilus. 1 capsule twice per day.
PROBACTO ENZYME DR-capsules №15, №30
6 enzymes and 3 probiotics. Universal digestion support – dyspepsia, medication intake, elderly patients, diarrhea (of any type).
3 strains, 8 billion lactobacillus per one DR-capsule: L. Rhamnosus, L.Casei, L.Acidophilus, acid-resistant enzymes: Papain, Amylase, Lipase, Bromelain, Lactase, Alpha-galactosidase. 1 capsule once or twice per day.
PROBACTO ENT chewing tab. №15, №30
Chewing probiotic. ENT-organs and oral cavity health, dental caries and respiratory infection prevention.
4 strains of acid-resistant lactobacillus: L. Rhamnosus, L.Casei, L.Plantarum, L.Acidophilus. Once or twice per day.
PROBACTO BABY 7 ml solution
Probiotic for children. Immunity improvement, colic and allergy prevention.
The most investigated lactobacillus culture - 1 billion lactobacillus ramnosus. 5 drops once or twice per day. From 1 month.
Monopreparations or target complexes of micronutrients (Multizan) - minerals, vitamins, enzymes and collagen in bioavailable forms. Maximum efficiency, synergy and excellent tolerability.
FERMENTIL tab. №30
In front of the majority of enzyme preparations on the market of an animal origin, which are not active in the acidic environment of the stomach and the intestine showing their slow effect, Fermentil containing plant enzymes works efficiently in stomach and intestine. This leads to faster release of the heaviness in the stomach and abdominal discomfort associated with overeating.
Fermentil is a complex of natural digestive enzymes. It works effectively in stomach and intestines eliminating the symptoms of overeating faster than regular enzyme
MULTIZAN tab. №30
In front of the majority of enzyme preparations on the market of an animal origin, which are not active in the acidic environment of the stomach and the intestine showing their slow effect, Fermentil containing plant enzymes works efficiently in stomach and intestine. This leads to faster release of the heaviness in the stomach and abdominal discomfort associated with overeating.
Complex of vitamins and minerals in chelated form. It contains natural antioxidants: rutin, hesperidin, papain and parabens.
Multizan Vision contains a unique composition of mixed carotenoids, vitamins and minerals created especially for supporting eye health and vision.
Multizan Vision contains a unique composition of mixed carotenoids, vitamins and minerals created especially for supporting eye health and vision.
Amino Acid Chelate Minerals are easier for the body to absorb and use than non-chelated minerals what makes Calcium in Multizan Osteo more effective. Vitamin D promotes Calcium absorption in the gut and maintains adequate serum calcium and phosphate concentrations to enable normal mineralization of bone. It is also needed for bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Together with Calcium, Vitamin D helps to protect from osteoporosis and fractures
The specially designed formula of Multizan Osteo tablets (Amino Acid Chelate Complex) for maintaing strong bones and supporting bone density
Amino Acid Chelate Minerals are easier for the body to absorb and use than non-chelated minerals what makes minerals in Multizan Selenium more effective. Selenium is an essential mineral known to have antioxidant properties, plays a part in chemical reactions that stop free radicals from damaging cells and DNA. Low selenium levels are also implicated in male infertility, weak immune systems, thyroid diseases, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma. Selenium levels drop with age, so it is claimed that selenium can slow the aging process, cognitive decline and dementia, reduce cholesterol levels.
Multizan Selenium is a unique antioxidant formula, that combines Selenium with vitamin C and E. Mineral Selenium in Multizan Selenium is a part of Amino Acid Chelate Complex which is produced through a Patented technology.
Multizan Zinc provides Zinc and Copper which work synergistically together. Amino Acid Chelate Minerals are easier for the body to absorb and use than non-chelated minerals what makes minerals in Multizan Zinc more effective. Zinc is involved in numerous aspects of cellular metabolism. It is required for the catalytic activity of approximately 100 enzymes, and it plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, DNA synthesis and cell division. Zinc deficiency is characterized by growth retardation, impaired immune function, hair loss, impotence, eye and skin lesions, delayed healing of wounds.
Multizan Zinc provides Zinc and Copper presented in Amino Acid Chelate Complex which is produced through a patented technology.
The action of Multizan Antistress is due to the properties of vitamins included in its composition. B Vitamins are involved in many enzymatic reactions, play a role in the release of energy from food and are required for a healthy nervous system. Multizan Antistress is ideal for those with demanding or hectic lifestyles to promote general vitality. Studies have also shown that taking B vitamins reduces homocysteine levels, therefore helping to reduce or prevent the risk of coronary heart diseases, circulatory disorders and helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Multizan Antistress contains 8 B vitamins, choline, inositol and PABA which are important for energy generation, promoting effective neurotransmitter mеtabolism and are involved in the synthesis of corticosteroid stress hormones.
Multisan Pregna designed specially for women of childbearing age, planning to become pregnant, for pregnant women and for nursing mothers. Minerals in chelated form provide high bioavailability and tolerability, lutein promotes proper development of baby's body, vegetable beta-carotin promotes child development and as opposed to synthetic beta-carotins does not have teratogenic effects.
Multizan Pregna contains 13 vitamins in safe dosages, vegetable beta-carotene without teratogenic action and minerals in special chelated form
The action of Multizan Kiddy is due to the properties of vitamins and minerals included in its composition. Minerals in Multizan Kiddy are combined with amino acids, via a patented technology, for optimum absorption and utilization in the body. They help the body to work properly, to grow and to maintain normal health. Minerals are important for building strong bones and teeth, skin, hair, nerve function, muscle and for metabolic processes such as those that turn the food into energy. Natural antioxidants presented in Multizan Kiddy protect cells from oxidative damage caused by toxins and environment.
Multizan Kiddy contains 16 vitamins in combination with 10 minerals, natural antioxidants and additional nutrients which are important factors of the metabolic processes occurring in the human body.
MULTISLIM tab. №30
Natural complex of active weight loss containing green coffee extract, standardized for chlorogenic acid.
Natural complex of active weight loss containing green coffee extract, standardized for chlorogenic acid.
RESTOBONE sachet №20
An advanced complex for strengthening bone tissue and joints.
Glucosamine KCL 500 mg, MSM 250 mg, Сollagen II 1000 mg, Calcium carbonate micronized 650 mg, Calcium Ascorbate 50 mg, Vitamin D 400 IU
MULTIZAN Vit D+K+Mg tab. №30
Micronutrients for healthy connective tissues.
Vitamin D+K+Mg 1 tablet per day.

The art of staying young. The complex has been developed on the basis of the concept of metabolic health and longevity. Each component of the composition is justified and metabolically important.
Indol Enzyme 30 capsules + 30 tabletes
Health keeping of the reproductive system, hyperplasia and proliferation prevention with mastopathy, myoma, endometriosis, HPV, after curettage. The alpha galactosidase enzyme improves tolerance and bioavailability. Grape seed extract enhances an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protection.
Capsules contain: Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) 300 mg, Alpha-galactosidase enzymes 30 mg (300 ME); Tablets contain: Grape Seed extract 100 mg.
Anti Age Lamyra Grape tab. №30
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection. One tablet per day for people at high risk of cancer development and to reduce the toxic effects of cytostatic treatment.
Grape Seed extract 50mg, 100 mg, 200 mg
Anti Age Lamyra Memo tab. №30
Metabolic therapy aimed at restoring and maintaining cognitive functions and stress resistance.
Beetroot extract + Vit B + Magnesium+ Argininum One tablet per day for people with intense life pace and high mental loads.

For healthy and beautiful skin.
La Mirange Hand booster cream 50ml and 200ml
To support our hands in difficult times. moisturizes and nourishes the skin
emollients, removes peeling
restores natural skin protection
restores skin smoothness and elasticity
heals small cracks and damages
Almond oil
Chamomile extract
Dexpanthenol. Use every time after washing hands.
La Mirange Body Booster milk 50 ml and 150 ml
Beautiful and healthy skin. 8 components, 8 properties, 8 possibilities for the skin: atrophy prevention, lifting, deep moistening, nutrition, regeneration, aging prevention, irritation removal and discomfort, skin beauty.
Coconut oil, Almond oil, Aloe Vera gel powder, Chamomile essential oil, Collagen, A-tocopherol, Lanolin, Dexpanthenol, Glycerin.
La Mirange Face Booster cream for normal and combinated skin; for oily skin; for dry and atopic skin
Beautiful and healthy skin. The booster is a powerful action.
Due to the modern enhancer, useful substances penetrate 10 times deeper into the skin and create a depot there. Long moisture
Components form a liquid crystal system.
It ensures gradual water release and more long-term skin hydration
Almond oil
Chamomile water glycerin extract
Coconut oil
Collagen type I Fish
Shea butter
Dexpanthenol, Lanolin anhydrous. Use twise a day: in the morning and in the evening
Troficol, Troficol Chamomile 30 (50) g wound healing cream
Natural wound healing ingredients.
It must be in every first-aid kit. Effective treatment of wounds, burns (I, II, III-degree (s)). Skin care after peeling of any nature. Heling contact dermatitis, care of atopic skin. It helps to heal complex wounds such as diabetic foot, trophic, venous ulcers, traumatic and surgical wounds.
Keloid scars prevention.
Exclusive development and production technology based on an unique combination of beta-sitosterol and biological peptides.

When natural ingredients are especially important. Power of natural ingredients.
Pelargo 25 ml oral spray
For patients with lip problems
Chapped lips
Skin care after permanent makeup
Angular cheilitis (niarde) Properties
Antiviral effect
Antibacterial effect
Anti-inflammatory effect
Analgesic effect
For patients with lip problems
Chapped lips
Skin care after permanent makeup
Angular cheilitis (niarde) Properties
Antiviral effect
Antibacterial effect
Anti-inflammatory effect
Analgesic effect
Umbrella immuno 100 ml syrup
It supports the immune system, helps to rapidly recover during and after bronchopulmonary infections, to increase body's protective strength in children and adults with a prolonged cough and frequent colds with a cough.
It supports the immune system, helps to rapidly recover during and after bronchopulmonary infections, to increase body's protective strength in children and adults with a prolonged cough and frequent colds with a cough.
Umbrella broncho 100 ml syrup
Shelter from a cold and flu. Relieves general cold symptoms, reduces cold duration, enchanced immune protection against viruses and bacteria.
Shelter from a cold and flu. Relieves general cold symptoms, reduces cold duration, enchanced immune protection against viruses and bacteria.
Flatuphyt 30 ml water solution
Elimination of symptoms with bloating and flatulence, help with spasm and impaired peristalsis in children and adults.
Elimination of symptoms with bloating and flatulence, help with spasm and impaired peristalsis in children and adults.
Flatuphyt sachet for children № 20
Elimination of symptoms with bloating and flatulence, help with spasm and impaired peristalsis in adults.
Elimination of symptoms with bloating and flatulence, help with spasm and impaired peristalsis in adults.
Flatuphyt sachet for adults № 20
Elimination of symptoms with bloating and flatulence, help with spasm and impaired peristalsis in adults.
Elimination of symptoms with bloating and flatulence, help with spasm and impaired peristalsis in adults.
Hepadetox tablets №30, sachet №30
The complex "cytoprotector + hepatoprotector + choleretic" to support the restoration of the hepatobiliary system and antioxidant protection. Tablets are intended for prevention, sachet is intended for therapy.
The complex "cytoprotector + hepatoprotector + choleretic" to support the restoration of the hepatobiliary system and antioxidant protection. Tablets are intended for prevention, sachet is intended for therapy.